
Blackhole VS Wormhole

Topics Blackhole Wormhole
Discovery The first one was discovered in 1971 and the nearest one is the V404 Cygni and it’s at a distance of 7,800 light years from the Earth. We haven’t yet discovered a real wormhole in the known universe.
Size The size of a black hole can vary from being as small as an atom or as large as a star depending on the type of black hole. Scientists predict that primordial wormholes could be billions of billions of times smaller than a centimeter.
Work A black hole can pull any object into its domain and the object will disappear from the face of the universe. If a star were to pass too close to one, the black hole could tear it apart. A wormhole is thought to work as a channel that would allow for space and time travel between two different parts of the universe.
Creation Blackholes are caused by the destruction of a star in a kind of implosion. Wormholes may be an entanglement between two different black holes.
Parts A black hole has three main parts, the ergo-sphere, the event horizon, and the singularity. The ergo-sphere is its most outer part in which the gravitational force starts pulling objects into it. event horizon is also known as the point of no return because an object that has passed it has no chance of going back. The singularity is its core or central part. A wormhole has mainly a mouth and a throat. It can be hypothesized that the mouth is a black hole and the other end is another black hole. The throat of the wormhole is believed to have negative energy in it. This negative energy which is a type of exotic matter is what prevents the wormhole from collapsing into itself.